Financial Disclosures in a Divorce Proceeding

Financial Disclosures in a Divorce Proceeding

When filing for divorce in California, a preliminary financial disclosure must be prepared by both spouses. This is a mandatory filing requirement as it serves as a basis for the eventual division of assets and properties. A preliminary financial disclosure lists all of the marital assets and debts of each party, which is then disclosed to the other spouse before the start of the proceedings proper. While this may be a tedious task, a lot of legal document services in California cater to the preparation of the required pleadings.

In order for you to face the challenging tasks involved in a divorce proceeding, our paralegal services in Upland, California is here to help. With regard to financial disclosures, our paralegals can assist you in filling out the required Declaration of Disclosure accurately and completely. It is important to know that without such a declaration, the court will not grant a divorce decree. Other forms in relation to this are also required such as the Schedule of Assets and Debts, Declaration Regarding Service of the Declaration of Disclosure, and Income and Expense Declaration. If some important information is left out from these documents or untruthfully disclosed, the signing spouse will be under the pains and penalties of perjury. It is against the law to deliberately lie or misrepresent information on the disclosure form and other pertinent documents.

The ultimate goal of financial disclosures in a divorce is for the judge to be able to divide the community property of the marriage properly. So, if you are unsure of what properties to list, you may call Lyd The Worker Bee. We also prepare other legal documents such as a general or special power of attorney.

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